Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting There...

We are having some success in our blogging. The blog prompts are helping with our thoughts and focus on our mathematical concepts and social issues. Check out the following blogs for an example of a rich blog. karee's blog. kadin's blog.
Right now we are at the philosophy of "ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Blogging Quest Begins

We considered blogging our enemy. For some odd reason, we couldn't put our thoughts into words. We could not make rich texts appear within our blogs.
Today we began a new adventure. We are going to make a change and start using prompts to develop our new way of blogging. We are going to use details, descriptors, videos, images, links, and our powerful words which will make the community envious of our blogs. I am looking forward to becoming rich :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Quest Begins

Many Globaloria educators have brought to my attention that they would like a place where they can beg, steal, and borrow ideas for an effective classroom. If you have an idea that works well in your classroom, please feel free to post that strategy for others. If you have a method of improving student motivation that you would like to share, please feel free to contribute your ideas. If you need an idea for implementing a lesson leave a post for suggestions. Hopefully this blog will be useful to all educators and will have an impact on all Globaloria classrooms. Happy blogging!